Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Weird dreams

Yesterday, I was feeling sick. I had headache, nausea, a spinning head, one or two bumps on my skin, which I suspected it has something to do with food allergy. Yup. I wanted to go to the clinic to get anti-histamine pills because I heard people did die of allergic reaction especially when the throat swells and you..just...stop breathing. Anyway, nothing serious happened. I'm still alive and kicking.

Last night, I have a very detailed dream. My Chinese friend was about to marry an Indian. Surprisingly, it was a match made. So, I was there on her wedding day or what it seem like an engagement day. It's pretty fuzzy in my memory now. Anyway, she was not totally happy or excited over it. Worse still, she has no idea about the guy whom she's gonna get married to. She was getting ready in her sari. And I didn't know what to say to her as a friend, whether to congratulate or comfort her. I was hoping that you know, they will learn to love each other later.

(continue later)

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